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Katarina Peović: There are no bigger idolaters of Putin than our right wing

Representative of the Workers’ Front, Katarina Peović, commented live on N1 Studio about the Prime Minister’s latest accusations against the opposition, as well as the adoption of the new Labor Law.

“The prime minister is talking about his own subconscious because there is no politician in the country who was more guided by remote control than him,” she said. Katarina Peović and added:

“We are forced to pay two billion kunas to MOL, which is in a proven corrupt process, and the prime minister does not think that anything is disputed, in fact he is satisfied with dozens of new arbitrations in which we will potentially pay tens of billions of kunas… We will soon have another crisis , recession, and Plenković is calmly waiting for instructions from the European Central Bank and the IMF on new austerity measures and is ready to reduce workers’ rights. He wants to force the Croatian worker to work longer for less money, to work in precarious jobs on fixed-term contracts, and he will allow female workers to work from home and care for children or the elderly and infirm. He is doing this precisely on the instructions of foreign powers.”

He points out that our right is a big idolater of Putin: “His foreign minister called Putin a few days before the invasion of Ukraine, and there are no bigger idolaters of Putin than our right, including the HDZ.” They saw Putin as a politician with a strong hand, and the Workers’ Front has always been critical of such politicians and superpowers who like to play war.”

Peović calls on the prime minister to see who is funding whom, let him comb through all the books. “Let them freely see who is financing whom. They hunt in the dark, and they don’t say anything concrete. In addition to being a criminal organization, they are also quislings, frauds, because they handed over management rights to MOL, and they don’t intend to return it. “Kovačević interestingly said that from the perspective of INA’s market operations, the memorandum with Hungary was good, but from the aspect of national interests, it was bad,” he points out.

The representative of the Workers’ Front believes that our energy products should not be the goods we trade with. He adds that most of this in INA is not a crime in the legislative sense, but by law, “and that is a problem”. “HDZ is leading in the wrong direction – we will have a cold winter, and this is a country that before the crisis had seven percent of people who could not pay for heating in the cold months,” Peović pointed out.

Legalization of the illegal

She then referred to the new Labor Law and noted that it is about legalizing the illegal and what was not possible before:

“The Labor Law is coming, unions are announcing going out on the streets and protesting, absolutely justified. Not only will they steal our money, but they will also force us to work more hours for less money. What comes with the Labor Law is the legalization of illegal things. What they couldn’t do until yesterday – work all week without a day off, tomorrow they will be able to. They could not ask you to give up 30 percent of your salary without justification, under the justification of extraordinary conditions, tomorrow you may have to look after your mother from home and do all the work for the employer. Employers think that it is not true that we are bad for fixed-term contracts, it is fascinating that HUP is trying to prove that it is a matter of statistical manipulation. Official Eurostat statistics show that we are problematic in that segment, and we are champions in contracts of up to three months. We have one of the lowest employment rates in Europe, as well as job insecurity.”

She also touched on reconstruction and said that the shutdown of the Sisak Refinery must have been an additional problem in that region: “Plenković does not think that his task is to restore people’s homes, but that it is a private problem.” Banija was poor even before the earthquake. With the shutdown of the Sisak Refinery, that region further collapsed.”

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