Member of Parliament from the club Mosta Nino Raspudić spoke live in N1 Studio about the latest scandals that were exposed and other problems in society. Raspudić called on the HDZ to call elections since they are convinced of their support, because he believes that this would be done in any mature democracy “after this kind of scandal.”
“What is happening is such an amount of crime and corruption that it is already moving into a new category. It is completely pointless to talk about individual cases. HDZ has obviously had negative selection for years. People who wanted to get money, influence or positions in a corrupt way joined and operated through HDZ. We have a network there that is irreparable,” said Raspudić.
Affairs wherever Olaf scratches
When asked if Plenković controls that network, Raspudić said:
“Let’s remember how he came to be the leader of that party. This is not normal at all. He was parachuted to the top of the HDZ. At a time when HDZ was already emptied of all politics and value systems. Depending on what Brussels dictates, they can vote this and that. Plenković is a very similar character. He gave them an apparently washed-up Brussels face.”
He then recalled the numerous affairs of members of the Government chosen by Plenković himself and pointed out:
“Wherever Olaf scratches, HDZ criminals pop up. It was some kind of pact with the devil. On the one hand, he was satisfying his career ambitions through the position that was offered to him, and on the other hand, the criminal structure needed a new, more washed-up face so that they could continue to sell the same matchmaking stunts.”
In connection with the robbery of INA, Raspudić also referred to the resignations of the Hungarian members of the Management Board, while the Croatians refuse to do so.
“Mol, of course, looks after his own interests and where he can win them, he will trample mercilessly like everyone in the world of big business. It is a logical thing when there is a draft of one billion kuna that the members of the Management Board will resign. Only in the Croatian case, they are still squatting there because they hope to get high severance pay. As an unsuccessful football coach, they are waiting to be chased to take that money,” said Raspudić.
He also commented on the latest scandal that was leaked to the public after the head of the Croatian Agency for Small Economy, Innovation and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO) was arrested on Wednesday by order of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office on suspicion of rigging a tender worth a million kuna for her relative’s company. .
“A story that has been seen 100 times, the HDZ staff, the same model of disposing of what should have been public money. This is a figure of around HRK 1 million, but this is a county league, let’s think about how much is collected at the level of the national league. Well, we could see that with the example of Ina,” he said.
There is no good standard of living while there is corruption
He believes that it is idealistic to say that injustice and corruption are the sole reason for the departure of young people.
“To me, a more natural reaction of a young man would be to fight, to get involved in some way. People left because they could not secure a natural existence there. It’s not just a question of salary. In your place where you have your family, friends, memories, living space, you will work for half the salary you would in Munich where you share a room with five people, you don’t know anyone and you will be a social outsider all your life, and probably your children too . A large part of the people is brought to the point that they cannot provide a basic existence,” said Raspudić.
He says that the European estimate that corruption eats up HRK 60 billion in Croatia seemed to him exaggerated, but that after the example of INA, he is more and more convinced that it is close to the truth.
“People will not stop leaving until the standard is improved, there is no growth without economic growth, there is no growth without investments, and there is no growth without breaking this corrupt network and creating business and legal security”, concludes Raspudić.
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